Create shift and weekends based on define duration. shifts will not be created on leaves or holidays or weekoffs. filters your shift based on shift type or employee or department or job positions. Generate multiple excel shift roaster report

Rosters Shift Management
24 | 3

Advance Recuitment Process includes Recuitor or Manager profile Extra education or work experience or certification information about candidate Recuitor can or can not see basis information like name email phone Screens applications Selects qualified candidates Schedules interviews or oversees preparation of interview questions and selection materials Assists with the interview process, attending and conducting interviews with managers

Advance Recuitment Process
1 | 1

Employee can request for laptop leave expense loan advance salary incident aor accident.Manage if requester is not employee or employee Employee Request management Employee service management Leave request portal Employee Expense employee loan employee advance salary portal Employee portal management

HR Request / Service Management
5 | 1

You can have leave dashboard of employee on duration of month or week and 15 days.Based on define different leave types

Employee Leaves Dashboard
8 | 1

Report employee accident or incident in organisation or factory and submit reports or document and get payment against your claims or insurance

Employee Accident / Incident Management
6 | 1

Any kind of deduction or fine or allowance in form of money can given to employees based on different filter like department, project, job position or all

Employee Other Earnings
3 | 1

Create separation request and link it with gratuity record and create employee final settlement which includes (gratuity, leaves ,salary, overtime, notice peroid amount and other earnings) Main Features are Employee Resignation Employee Gratuity Employe Separation Employee Settlement Employee Closer End of Service Final Settlement

End of Service Management
8 | 0

Equipment allocation and return or transfer to employees and equipment maintenance process includes following features Create allocation request and link equipment with product and serial Equipment request approvals Allocation and return or transfer Create Equipment Maintenance Add multiple components and create stock movements Create invoices for Maintenance Auto create Maintenance request based on define recurring days Skip request on employee weekend or holidays Equipment Maintenance Repair Maintenance Vehicle Maintenance Maintenance request Auto Maintenance request HR Equipment Repair Order Maintenance Request Equipment Allocation Employee Equipment allocation

HR Equipment ALL in ONE
5 | 0

Create leave encashment for employees with obtion of daily salary based on contract wages or fix amount and regester into account for payment

HR Leave Encashment
10 | 0

Employee attendance sheet in payslip with basic or regular and fix monthly structuresPayroll and Overtime

Attendance Sheet Wise Payslip

Employee attendance sheet for payroll with different types of overtimes and leaves informtion Employee overtime managment Employeee attenadce summary Employee payroll summary Employee attendance sheet for payroll

Employee Attendance Sheet For Payroll

Employee attendances muster which shows all require data including (daily attendances, present days, week off, paid days, leaves, holidays, absent) of perticular month.

Employee Attendances Dashboard
4 | 0

Create employee bulk or daily attendances for given duration based on working schedule calender.It will not create attendances for weekends or leaves and public holidays

Employee Bulk Attendances
1 | 0

Employee Department Chart

Employee Department Chart

Employee Early or Late Attendance Summary and Deducted all late hours from salary and reports Employee late summary Emlployee late attendance Employee early attendance Employee late attendance Employee attendance summary Employee deduction hours Employee salary hours

Employee Early Late Attendance

Employee Leave Attendance Summary which includes attendance and weekoff days and public or normal or paid or unpaid or sick leaves and paid or absent days for payroll process Employee Payroll Summary Employee Attendance Summary Employee Leave Summary Employee Holiday Summary Employee Prepayroll Summary Prepayroll Dashboard Payroll Dashboard Attendance Dashboard Leave Dashboard Holiday Dashboard

Employee Leave Attendance Summary
2 | 0

Employee job position and department wise mass overtime , payments and reports Employee overtime mass overtime Multiple overtime

Employee Mass Overtime

Employee Leave Register End of Service Benefit Employee Prepayroll and Attendance Muster XLS Report Employee multiple reports which are (attendance muster, end of service benefit, prepayroll, leave register) all the information about employees leaves, public holidays, attendances, overtimes, weekoffs are shown in these reports Employee Multiple Report attendance muster end of service benefit Employee prepayroll leave register employee attendance employee holidays employee benefit employee leaves employee overtime

Employee Multiple XLS Reports (Employee Leave Register End of Service Benefit Employee Prepayroll and Attendance Muster)
1 | 0

Manage overtime of employee against attendance based on define rules with following feature Create Manual overtime Create auto Overtime Create overtime with scheduler for attendance Separately manage overtime and attendance Journal entires for overtime Overtime managemnt Employee ovetime Overtime Accouting Define rules for overtime

Employee Overtime Management
4 | 0

Manage overtime taken by the employees based on define rules

Employee Overtimes
6 | 0